What defines West Queen West (WQW)?
What are its strengths and weaknesses?
Where should it evolve into?
As brand name stores proliferated to the east of Spadina Avenue, West Queen West garnered a unique reputation forindependent fashion boutiques, art galleries, studios, and an arts and creative culture.
Today, significant change is occurring, being driven particularly by the CAMH redevelopment and the Queen West Triangle. At the same time, Ossington Avenue has blossomed as an off-shoot of the WQW scene.
Recognizing these changes, and on the recommendation of its Zoning and Streetscape Committee, the West Queen West Business Improvement Area (BIA) has embarked on a process to discuss the future of this area and guide change. The objective has been to think carefully about the street, conduct an analysis, and consult with the community in defining a vision for its future.
With this in hand, the BIA will be better prepared to respond to development applications with a clear and consistent rationale. It is hoped that the analysis and direction identified through the course of this study will initiate a broader dialogue about growth and improvements to the West Queen West area that is rooted in a clear understanding of what works, what is treasured and needs to be protected, and what ought to